EUNIC cluster in: Romania
Period covered: 2020-2024
EUNIC Romania aims to create effective partnerships and networks between European Union National Institutes for Culture in order to improve and promote cultural diversity and understanding between European societies and to strengthen international dialogue and cultural cooperation with the neighbouring countries outside the EU.
Mission of the cluster
EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture – is the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations. Together with our partners, we bring to life European cultural collaboration in Romania, drawing on the broad experience of our members from all EU member states and associate countries.
By pooling together the resources and expertise of its members EUNIC Romania carries out joint work in the areas of social inclusion through art and culture, equity, resilience and sustainable development of societies.
EUNIC’s work is based on the principles of cultural relations. We aim to build fair partnerships by practising mutual listening and learning and engaging in dialogue, co-creation, and joint capacity building.
EUNIC’s understanding of culture includes the arts, creative industries, development cooperation, digitalisation, education, gender, heritage, human rights, language and multilingualism, social inclusion, sports, sustainability, tourism, youth, and others.
Local context
EUNIC Bucharest was founded in 2008 and consists of 16 members from 14 EU member states and one associated member from Turkey. In July 2016, it was renamed EUNIC Romania since it operates in the whole country (several cluster members have either branches or representations in Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, or Iași). Furthermore, some cluster members are also active in the Republic of Moldova, they have supported the establishment of EUNIC Moldova in October 2015 and are currently reviving a closer collaboration by engaging in a common project dedicated to capacity building in the cultural field.
EUNIC Cluster Romania comprises very heterogeneous partners in terms of budgets, human resources, mandate and responsibilities. The Cluster organises annually common projects such as the Cinemascop Film Festival, Cultural Management Academy, European Film Festival, European Day of Languages, Jazz music festival, Night of Literature. The EUNIC label gained visibility in the local cultural field and is starting to be perceived as a reference of intercultural approach.
The Cluster communicates on European agenda and values to a broad public, for example regarding Timisoara – EcoC (postponed from 2021 to 2023), EUNIC Romania is following closely its developments and, through its members, takes part in the definition and implementation of the programme.
Strategic objectives
Objective 1: EUNIC strengthens cultural relations by fostering cooperation between its members and local stakeholders worldwide.
Main actions under objective 1:
- To consolidate the cluster as an efficient and operative network of collaboration, knowledge transfer, training, capacity building, and education.
- To support and facilitate innovative practices and cultural diversity both by direct support and by partnership with a variety of cultural actors who integrate multicultural and multilingual elements in their programs and projects.
- To develop the EUNIC label as a reference for the local cultural scene.
Objective 2: EUNIC advocates a prominent role for culture in international relations and is a strategic partner of EU in cultural relations.
Main actions under objective 2:
- To promote and provide technical support and know-how for national and local decision-makers in updating and adapting cultural policies to meet European standards.
- To foster cooperation and cohesion amongst Cluster members and Cluster partners, by constructing a bridge between local, regional and European levels.
- To enable communication between (independent) cultural actors and the private financial sector in the aim of promoting investment in arts and culture.
Objective 3: EUNIC enhances its capacity as a network to continue to be a reliable cooperation partner regarding sustainable development through culture.
Main actions under objective 3:
- To support and actively engage in practices focusing on cultural participation and inclusion of minorities (LGBTQIA+, representation and presence of women – gender equality).
- To support cultural access in remote areas and for excluded segments (provincial cities and rural areas).
- To act eco-responsibly and honor the green deal (decarbonisation of cultural economy).