Open Call | Cultural Management Academy

The open call for Cultural Management Academy runs until the 1st of May.

The post-graduate program in 2017 will be held simultaneously in Bucharest, Thessaloniki and Sofia, with a joint online learning platform and on-site events. The program is developed under the guidance of the Goethe-Institute and Sofia University. The CMA (Cultural Management Academy) in Bucharest is organized in cooperation with the Municipality of Bucharest through ARCUB and with the support of the EUNIC Romania cluster.

The program includes a one-week intensive educational course in Bucharest with the topic Capacity building for culture in the framework of cultural strategies (e.g. ECOC) with lectures, seminars, discussions and individual assignments with Romanian and foreign professionals from the art sector, an online education platform with individual and group assignments. The program culminates in an international conference on cultural management and a networking fair, bringing together participants from Bucharest, Sofia and Thessaloniki and international guest-speakers. Upon successful completion of the Academy, Goethe-Institute will fund on competitive basis start-up collaborative international projects between participants from Bucharest and their colleagues from the branches in Sofia and Thessaloniki.

►Why to apply?
The program will engage participants from both public and independent sector in an experience that will develop their capacity of understanding the context for cultural strategies, offer skills to work with public documents on cultural policies (national or local cultural strategies), will strengthen relations between the independent sector and the public one, will expand the conceptualizing and critical skills and capacity to evaluate the risks etc.
Participants will have the occasion to engage in international collaborations. They will be offered excellent opportunities to build up their cross-border international network, to build their portfolio as speakers at the international academic conference and published author. They will have a chance not only to develop new collaborative international projects but to receive funding and implement them.

►What to expect?
An intensive one-week on-site course in Bucharest with Romanian and international speakers. A great group of like-minded professionals from Romania, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary and Poland. Individual and group work, peer-to-peer learning, online support and mentoring. The program is curated by Miki Braniște, cultural manager and director of the Temps d’Images Festival, with the support of an international curatorial team.

The general theme of the program is Capacity building for culture in the framework of cultural strategies (e.g. ECOC). The group will explore a variety of challenges, opportunities and working approaches into ways of developing their cultural activities in a context, decoding cultural strategies and ways to enroll in their major directions, developing public-independent collaborations, develop cross-culture partnerships, identifying new tendencies in international cultural cooperation, risk-taking and embracing uncertainty in organizational endeavors.

►Who can apply?
Cultural sector professionals, including literature, design, architecture, theatre and film festival curators, museum and gallery managers, club promoters and programmers, librarians, representatives of relevant city administrations, foundations, community centers, NGOs.

Successful candidates should have a Bachelor degree and be fluent in English.

Tuition: 200 Euro, which includes:
– the 5-day intensive course and 3-day international conference and networking event (transport and accommodation in Sofia included);
– lunch/ coffee-breaks and training materials;
– access to online learning;
– expert assessment of individual work;
– mentoring/consultations with Romanian and international professionals;
– opportunity to be a speaker at the international academic conference and to publish your paper;
– participation at the Balkan networking event;
– opportunity to develop a new collaborative cross-border project and receive funding of 2,500 EURO for it.

Requests to reduce the participation fee can be considered to a limited extent. In that case, the organizers ask for convincing reasons. Also, organizers can offer accommodation to a limited number of participants from other cities.

►How to apply?

– Expression of interest (max one page) setting out your motivation and a project you would like to develop further and to possibly find partners through the academy program
– Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
– Additional materials such as portfolio, links etc. (if applicable)

Please note that the package of documents should not exceed the size of 7 MB.

All documents should be submitted via e-mail at before the 1st of May.

More about Cultural Management Academy and the call here:

5th EUROPEAN COMICS FESTIVAL (Salonul European de Bandă Desenată, ed. a V-a) – Communicating European values via comics

În perioada 9-22 mai 2017, la București, va avea loc cea de a V-a ediție a Salonului European de Bandă Desenată. Evenimentul reunește o amplă expoziție europeană, găzduită la Rezidența Scena9 (str. I.L. Caragiale 32), mese rotunde, ateliere și dezbateri, toate reunite sub tema ediției din acest an: „Respect”. Toți cei interesați de banda desenată, profesioniști sau amatori, pot vizita timp de două săptămâni expoziția ediției din acest an, găzduită la Rezidența Scena9 (str. I.L. Caragiale 32), un spațiu ce adună laolată lucrări din Austria, Cehia, Cipru, Estonia, Finlanda, Franța, Germania, Grecia, Italia , Marea Britanie, Polonia, România, Spania, Suedia și Țările de Jos. Deschiderea Salonului European de Bandă Desenată va avea loc chiar de Ziua Europei, pe 9 mai, începând cu ora 19.00, printr-un eveniment inedit, reunind vernisajul expoziției și un performance de muzică și artă live, susținut de formația austriacă Bonnage Horreur.

„În 2017, anul în care România sărbătorește 10 ani ca stat membru al Uniunii Europene, EUNIC România organizează cea de-a V-a ediție a Salonului European de Bandă Desenată. De aceea, pentru grupul EUNIC România, ediția din acest an este una specială. Am ales nu doar să prezentăm în expoziție lucrări artistice excepționale semnate de artiști europeni, ci și să ne oprim puțin asupra a ceea ce definește Uniunea Europeană. Iar ea se definește prin valorile europene comune, precum demnitatea umană, egalitatea și respectul pentru drepturile omului. Lucrările acestor artiști remarcabili, pe care le veți vedea începând din data de 9 mai și până în data de 22, intră în dialog cu aceste valori, pe care dorim să le reamintim cu ocazia Zilei Europei din acest an”, a declarat Elisabeth Marinkovic, directoarea Forumui Cultural Austriac, coordonatorul acestei ediții a proiectului.

Detalii despre proiect, pe pagina de Facebook a EUNIC România (

Salonul European de Bandă Desenată este un proiect al Clusterului EUNIC România (Rețeaua Europeană a Institutelor Culturale Naționale), coordonat în 2017 de Forumul Cultural Austriac și organizat de: Institutul Cultural Român, Centrul Ceh, Ambasada Republicii Cipru în România, Ambasada Republicii Estonia în București, Ambasada Finlandei la București, Institutul Francez, Goethe-Institut, Fundația Culturală Greacă, Institutul Italian de Cultură, British Council, Institutul Polonez, Institutul Cervantes, Ambasada Suediei în România, Ambasada Regatului Țărilor de Jos în România și Forumul Cultural Austriac.

Cu sprijinul Reprezentanței Comisiei Europene în România și Eunic Cluster Fund.

Parteneri: Rezidența Scena9, Agenția Împreună, Proiectul de BD social „Respect”, Asociația Jumătatea Plină, Experimental Project.

Festivalul Filmului European – 2017

Festivalul Filmului European se deschide anul acesta la Muzeul Național de Artă. Tot la MNAR va fi găzduită și o parte din secțiunea specială realizată în parteneriat cu canalul de televiziune ARTE. În perioada 5-6 mai, prin programul special dedicat artelor (ARTE@MNAR), o expoziție-instalație audio-vizuală, publicul va avea parte de o incursiune în istoria modernă a artei, în colecția privată a lui Serghei Ivanovici Șukin și va descoperi detaliile operei lui Hieronymus Bosch prin tehnologie VR.

Secțiunea specială ARTE va fi disponibilă parțial și la Centrul Ceh, unde va avea loc proiecția filmului Notes on Blindness (2016), ce va include și o componentă VR. Filmul se bazează pe jurnalul lui John M. Hull, și tratează experiența senzorială și psihologică a pierderii treptate a văzului. La Institutul Cervantes se vor putea viziona La permanence (2016) de Alice Diop – despre umanitatea regăsită într-un cabinet medical, unde migranții primesc tratament gratuit, și în același timp o critică la adresa societății care emană doar prosperitate, dar lasă leadership-ul ca o problemă a noastră personală; Asediul (2016) de Rémy Ourdan, care spune povestea universală a modului în care civilizația se confruntă cu o provocare teribilă pentru existență și luptă pentru supraviețuire. Cel de-al treilea, în cu totul alt registru, este Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015) de Kent Jones, care pătrunde într-un dialog celebru între cele două personalități legendare.

Celelalte cinci secțiuni speciale ale FFE sunt: Agora, LUX, Bandă desenată, Public tânăr, Republica Moldova.

Agora – Pentru că filmul, care este mult mai mult decât o simplă plăcere intelectuală, poate deveni o unealtă care să reflecte diferite ipostaze ale societății, Festivalul inaugurează Agora, o platformă de dezbatere menită să stârnească dialogul pe teme care privesc societatea, având ca punct de start trei filme din festival: Asediul (2016), Marija (2016) și Fixeur (2016).

LUX – Cu sprijinul generos al Biroului de Informare al Parlamentului European în România, oferim publicului cele trei filme finaliste la cea mai recentă ediție a Premiului LUX al Parlamentului European (cea de a zecea): Viața mea de dovlecel (2016), Toni Erdmann (2016) și A peine j’ouvre les yeux (2016).

Bandă desenată – Pentru a celebra Salonul European de Bandă Desenată, pe 8 mai FFE propune o seară de filme inspirate din benzi desenate: Fata fără mâini (2016), Ministrul francez (2013), Pisica rabinului (2011) și Aya din orașul Yop (2013).

Public tânăr – copiii și adolescenții sunt invitați la un bogat program de scurtmetraje și lungmetraje.

Republica Moldova – cinci producții realizate în Republica Moldova.

Festivalul Filmului European are loc în București (4 – 11 mai), Iași (12 – 14 mai), Tîrgu Mureș (19 -21 mai), Gura Humorului (19 – 21 mai) și Timișoara (26 – 28 mai).

Festivalul Filmului European este organizat de Institutul Cultural Român, sub egida EUNIC România, împreună cu Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene, cu sprijinul ambasadelor și centrelor culturale europene, al Muzeului Național de Artă, al Muzeului Țăranului Român/Cinema Muzeul Țăranului, al Institutului Francez – Cinema Elvire Popesco, al Centrului Ceh, al Institutului Cervantes, al Spațiului Public European, al UCIN și al Biroului de Informare al Parlamentului European.

Parteneri și parteneri media: Primăria Municipiului Iași; Primăria Gura Humorului; Primăria Municipiului Tîrgu Mureș; Asociația K’Arte Tîrgu Mureș; Primăria Municipiului Timișoara; Universitatea de Vest Timișoara – Facultatea de Litere, Istorie și Teologie; Centrul Cultural Gura Humorului; Casa de Cultură a municipiului Iași “Mihai Ursachi”; CinED; Macondo; SNSPA,, Agerpres, Blog de Cinema, Bookblog, București FM, Cărturești, Cațavencii, CineFAN, Cinemagia, CinePub; Citatepedia; Dilema Veche; DOR; Dor de Ducă; Eskape; FilmNewEurope; Gratuitor; HotNews; Hyperliteratura; Igloo; LiterNet; Movie News; Modernism; MUBI;; Observator Cultural; Radio România; Radio Cultural; România Pozitivă; Șapte Seri; TVR; TANĂNANA; Webcultura; zeppelin.

Contact: Alex Trăilă, Director artistic FFE
Anca Hrab, Coordonator FFE – Institutul Cultural Român

Continue reading “Festivalul Filmului European – 2017”

European Day of Languages 2016

At the initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, the European Day of Languages is celebrated every year across the EU, in order to celebrate linguistic diversity in Europe and encourage language learning.

The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are:

  • Alerting the public to the importance of language learning and diversifying the range of languages learnt in order to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding;
  • Promoting the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe, which must be preserved and fostered;
  • Encouraging lifelong language learning in and out of school, whether for study purposes, for professional needs, for purposes of mobility or for pleasure and exchanges.

On this occasion, the Representation of the European Commission in Romania and EUNIC Romania will organize a Language Fair, which will be held on Saturday, 24th of September 2016, at the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The public will be invited to pass through the stands and complete the language challenges, in order to win various prizes.

Find out more on the Facebook event :

Noaptea Literaturii Europene la București, ediția a V-a

• 9 septembrie 2016, între orele 19.00 și 23.00 / evenimentul se va încheia cu un after-party la Piua Book Bar
• În avanpremieră: TANDEM – eveniment dedicat traducătorilor și redactorilor, una dintre noutățile ediției 2016 (7 septembrie, Cărturești Verona, ora 18.00)
• Organizatorii Nopții Literaturii Europene la București în parteneriat cu „Carte peste Carte” strâng cărți pentru dotarea bibliotecii orășenești din Târgu Frumos, județul Iași
• Detalii –

Peste exact o săptămână, vineri, 9 septembrie 2016, are loc cea de a V-a ediție a Nopții Literaturii Europene la București, un eveniment al Reţelei Institutelor Culturale Naţionale din Europa (EUNIC), care se desfăşoară anual în mai mult de 70 de orașe din toată lumea.

Iubitorii de literatură din capitală sunt invitați să pornească în căutarea poveștilor în zona centrală a capitalei, cuprinsă între str. Pictor Arthur Verona, Piața Lahovary și str. Vasile Lascăr: lecturi, performance-uri, discuții, expoziții și proiecții.

Astfel, la Librăria Cărturești Verona, Casa „Ion Mincu” (sediul Ordinului Arhitecților din România), Piua Book Bar, Teatrul Țăndărică și Spațiul Public European, organizatorii propun lecturi din autori precum: Svetlana Cârstean (ICR), Claudiu M. Florian, Livia Ștefan, Sorin Gherguț, Radu Nițescu, Andrei Dósa (Spațiul Public European), Orhan Pamuk (Centrul Cultural Turc „Yunus Emre”), György Dragomán (Institutul Maghiar), Szczepan Twardoch, Andrzej Sapkowski (Institutul Polonez), Rui Zink(Institutul Camões/Ambasada Portugaliei), Miguel de Cervantes, Antonio Muñoz Molina (Institutul Cervantes), Cesare Pavese (Institutul Italian de Cultură), Ingeborg Bachmann, Paul Celan (Forumul Cultural Austriac), Wolfgang Herrndorf (Goethe-Institut), Makis Tsitas (Fundația Culturală Greacă), Miloš Urban, Jáchym Topol, Jiří Kratochvil (Centrul Ceh).

Over 50 events at the 10th edition of the Night of Cultural Institutes

Friday, June 24, 2016, 15 cultural institutions in Bucharest will organize under the aegis of EUNIC Bucharest, the 10th edition of the Night of Cultural Institutes. British Council, Czech Centre, Turkish Cultural Center “Yunus Emre”, Delegation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Austrian Cultural Forum, the Greek Cultural Foundation, Goethe-Institut, Balassi Intézet – Hungarian Institute in Bucharest, Instituto Camões of Cooperation and Portuguese Language, Instituto Cervantes of Bucarest, Romanian Cultural Institute, French Institute, Italian Cultural Institute, the Polish Institute, joined by European Public Space, propose a dense program that will start at noon and lasts until dawn.

In the year that marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, the program includes a theater spectacle of sonnets, screenings, readings and discussion dedicated to the great British playwright, exhibition of comics and illustration from a play written by Cervantes and a performance-based reading excerpts from “entremeses” of the beloved Spanish writer.

With a program of concerts – from violin and flute or oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, percussion, the bandoneon concert in minority languages ​​from the Polish region of Podlasie, Greek music, French music interpreted atop a wedding dress, jazz, jam session live, festa Portuguesa, silent disco and post-techno party, the 10th edition of the Night of Cultural Institutes offers a musical journey for all tastes.

The night of June 24 also brings several exhibition projects: a comic dialogue, based on improvisation, a graffiti performance, a sculpture exhibition, comics and illustration exhibition “En Miguel Cervantes. Panorama wonders” exhibition of gathered objects “B L A N K”, architecture exhibition, product design, fashion and graphic design “Romanian Design Week Classics”, a clothing exhibition named “Traditional Greek Costumes, the exhibition “The most beautiful books“, a photo exhibitions “Azulejo: Story of tiles“, “Romy Schneider” or “Immota Manet” (showing in black and white photographs the consequences of the earthquake in L’Aguila).

The film offer is also interesting: Jonas Carpignano’s Mediterranea, one of three finalist in competition for the LUX Prize 2015 awarded by the European Parliament; Prospero’s Books directed by Peter Greenaway; Romanian Short Waves 9: Romanian short films presented at Cannes 2016; Short from Spain, short films selected by the Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts in Spain; Ernst Marishka’s Sissi I (with Romy Schneider in the role of Empress Elisabeth of Austria); La Passante du Sans-Souci by Jacques Rouffio in a recent cinematic interpretation of the famous Franco-German actresses, or Whisper me if I forget by Cagan Irmak.

Language courses, games and debates intercultural on diversity and stereotypes, theater performances and workshops for children and adults – including the traditional Turkish art of drawing on water, ebru, or the one where children learn to build their little house for birds using papier-mâché technique – will complete the multidisciplinary range on June 24. And we also have culinar surprises at the Night of Cultural Institutes, the cultural marathon participants are invited to taste Turkish and Polish dishes and try the famous Hungarian goulash or traditional spaghetti, prepared live.

The program will take place between the hours 12 00–02: 30 in 12 cultural spaces in Bucharest: ARCUB – Gabroveni, British Council, Czech Centre, Turkish Cultural Center “Yunus Emre”, Green Hours, Goethe-Institut, Balassi Institute – Hungarian Institute in Bucharest, Cervantes Institute, Romanian Cultural Institute, French Institute, Italian Institute of Culture and European Public Space, which will host over 50 events proposed by 15 cultural institutions.

A project organized by EUNIC Bucharest, with the support of the European Commission Representation in Romania.

Public access is free.

Find the full program and map the spaces that host events in the leaflet attached. NIC10 application can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Ukraine and Moldova – Neighbours in Focus (European Film Festival 2015)

During the European Film Festival 2015, the EUNIC Bucharest Cluster has supported a special two-day focus on the filmmaking from the Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. With the contribution of several cultural institutes (the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Czech Center, the French Institute, the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Polish Institute) and with the support of the UNDP regional office for Europe and Central Asia, 7 productions were screened at Cinema Elvire Popesco.

This event aimed to improve the presence of the Ukrainian and Moldavian film industry on the international stage, but also to reinforce the EU cultural initiatives in these the non-EU member countries, in order to offer best practices to the EUNIC Cluster in Ukraine and to support the creation of a new EUNIC Cluster in the Republic of Moldova. Indeed, their strategical position represents a major issue within the European Neighborhood Policy.

The focus was targeted towards a large audience in Bucharest, from young people to elder movie fans. With a number of almost 250 spectators in total, the goal was reached (as it also was during the Cronograf festival in Republic of Moldova and the Molodist international festival in Ukraine). This was achieved thanks to a good communication strategy, achieved both internally, externally, among the media partners but also nearby the general public, though printed and electronic materials, but also posts and updates on the social media sites. Furthermore, most of the movies were accompanied by Q&A sessions, with the presence of the following producers:

  • The Gipsy Baron: producers Michaela Ronzoni, Antony Jacobson, Oleg Diordiev
  • Chisinau and Kiev: producers and directors: Miroslaw Dembinski and Miroslawa Dembinska
  • Arrivederci: director and producer: Valeriu Jereghi

On the 11th of May, a discussion panel on film production took place in collaboration with UNATC and the internet platform All About Romanian Cinema. Around 50 persons participated at the panel, along the guests: Michaela Ronzoni, Antony Jacobson, Oleg Diordiev, Olga Zhurzhenko, Miroslaw Dembinski, Miroslawa Dembinska, Valeriu Jereghi, Cristina Flutur, Alex Traila and Ada Solomon.

Through this special focus, we haven’t only accentuated the presence of EU cultural initiatives in the Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova by offering a common platform of communication on filmmaking through the European Film Festival, but we also gave them the opportunity to present some of the best productions made in these countries situated at the borders of the European Union.

European Film Festival 2016, the 20th edition

European Film Festival takes place between 5-29 of May 2016. The Festival is organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute, with the support of the Representation of the European Commission in Romania, under EUNIC Bucharest’s aegis.

The screenings is hosted by six cities in Romania. Four of them are competing for the title of 2021 European Cultural Capital: Bucharest, Baia Mare, Cluj, Timisoara. Other two cities, Hunedoara and Tîrgu Mureș, are traditional partners of the Festival.

The European Film Festival is a project initiated in 1996, by the Delegation of the European Commission in Romania, in order to celebrate Europe’s Day, on 9th of May. After 2007, when Romania joined the European Union, the Festival was taken over by the Romanian Cultural Institute, which organized it every year since then, the 2016 edition of the Festival being a celebratory one, the 20th.

The Festival offers its audience all kind of films, as European Union’s diversity is illustrated at its best by the multicultural, savory and whimsical European cinematography. The selection was performed by the organizers with the assistance of the Embassies of EU Member States, with the Cultural Institutes and Centers, and supplemented with valuable contributions from distributors of European films, Independența Film and Transilvania Film.

This year’s selection is the richest: 85 films, originating from 27 countries. This year’s edition includes also 4 thematic sections: Shakespeare 400 benefited from the support of the British Council. 10 Friends of EFF – a section created with the generous contribution of 10 directors, honorary ambassadors of the Festival in the latest 10 years. LUX Film Prize and Escape in Europe sections were developed with the assistance of the European Parliament Information Office in Romania and the Festival One World Romania.

Partners: the Filmmakers Union of Romania, the Romanian National Film Archive, Elvire Popesco Cinema Partners in local editions: Baia Mare: Baia Mare 2021 Foundation, Baia Mare City Hall Cluj-Napoca: Cluj 2021 Association, Cluj-Napoca City Hall Hunedoara: Corvin Castle Museum, Faculty of Engineering, Hunedoara City Hall Timișoara: Timișoara City Hall, Timișoara Culture Hall, Ambasada – project initiated by CASA PLAI Association Tîrgu Mureș: K’arte Association, ARTA Cinema, Tîrgu-Mureș City Hall.