European Comics Festival (Romanian exhibition) in Republic of Moldova

One of the main objectives included in the project from the very beginning was that, after its display in Bucharest, to make the exhibition travel to at least two other countries/cities abroad.

Republic of Moldova was highly envisioned, especially because members of the newly formed local cluster in Moldova did not manage to organize any constant activity until now. Taking into consideration the important cultural and lingvistic link between Romania and Republic of Moldova it was assumed as a moral responsibility for EUNIC Romania cluster to extend its activity, to try to increase the awareness about collaborative EUNIC projects, encouraging in the same time the proactivity in EUNIC Moldova cluster. Due to budget and space limitations, it was decided that only the Romanian comics exhibition to travel to Moldova (Cahul and Chișinău).

The idea to partnership with MOLDOX – International documentary film festival for social change (Cahul, 23-28 September 2017) and ANIM’EST Festival (Chișinău, 26-29 October) came up through the Romanian Cultural Institute.

MOLDOX International Documentary Film Festival for Social Change reached the 2nd edition in 2017, is the only documentary film festival in Moldova dedicated exclusively to non-fiction films with content of significant social relevance. Organizers: Asociația MOLDOX, SVENSKA FILMSTUDION, Centrul CONTACT-Cahul, Asociatia pentru Dezvoltare Creativă. With Financial Support of: Swedish Institute, United States Embassy in Moldova, German Cultural Institute Akzente, Goethe Institut, EUNIC Romania, Romanian Cultural Institute, Est-European Foundation, National Center of Cinematography, din Rep. Moldova, Cahul City Hall. The main goal of MOLDOX is to organize an international film festival accessible to everyone and centered around urgent social issues, as well as to organize events, activities, workshops and masterclasses dedicated to everyone who wants and can create social change through the power of documentary filmmaking (MOLDOX LAB).

The Opening event within MOLDOX Festival (Cahul) took place on the 26th of September 2017 at Palatul de Cultură in Cahul, in the presence of approximatively 100 visitors (children and adults). At The Opening event were present Alexandru Ciubotariu (curator), Maxim Carlan (MOLDOX festival director), Octav Avramescu (co-founder at Jumatatea Plină Association), Natalia Andronachi (Forumul Cultural Austriac), Anca Hrab (Romanian Cultural Institute). 100 brochures Povestea Emei by Alexandru Ciubotariu (published within the EUNIC project in Bucharest) were offered to the public attending the opening event. Alexandru Ciubotariu offered autographs to children and the adults present at the opening event. Octav Avramescu exhibited during the opening event a comics book stand from Libraria Jumatatea Plina. 14 Romanian comics with relevant social themes were displayed throughout the Festival and the exhibition stayed opened for the public until the middle of October. Media Coverage: TVR Moldova DIEZ MD (

Partnership with: MOLDOX International Documentary Film Festival for Social Change (Cahul) and ANIM’EST – International Animation Film Festival (Chișinău).
Initiators of the collaboration: EUNIC Cluster in Romania at the initiative of Romanian Cultural Institute and Austrian Cultural Forum.
Period of the exhibition: Cahul (26 September – 10 October); Chișinău (26 – 29 October) 2017.

Ziua Europeană a Limbilor 2017

Sâmbătă 23 septembrie, Ziua Europeană a Limbilor va pune în valoare, o dată în plus, diversitatea culturală și lingvistică a continentului nostru. Organizat anual din 2001, la inițiativa Consiliului Europei și a Uniunii Europene, evenimentul își propune să sensibilizeze publicul cu privire la importanța învățării limbilor străine, ca instrument esențial de consolidare a legăturilor între țările membre ale celor două organisme.

Cu această ocazie, membrii clusterului EUNIC la București (Uniunea europeană a institutelor culturale naționale) și Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene la București invită publicul român la cel de-al 16-lea Târg lingvistic, găzduit în acest an de grădina Casei Filipescu Cesianu, monument din rețeaua Muzeului Municipiului București.

14 Institute și reprezentanțe diplomatice propun vizitatorilor ateliere lingvistice pentru copii, lecții demonstrative și sesiuni de « speak dating » pentru studenți și adulți. Toți cei care participă la minim două activități au posibilitatea să câștige premiile consistente puse în joc de organizatori (cursuri de limbă, ateliere lingvistice, invitații la evenimente culturale, dicționare etc.), cu ocazia tombolei care va încheia evenimentul.

Ziua Europeană a Limbilor
sâmbătă 23 septembrie, între orele 11:00 și 17:00
Casa Filipescu Cesianu, Calea Victoriei 151, București
Intrarea liberă

Organisme participante – Ambasada Suediei, British Council, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național de Cultură al Romilor, FCG, Forumul Cultural Austriac, Institutul Balassi, Institutul Cervantes, Institutul Cultural Român, Institutul francez din București, Institutul Goethe, Institutul Italian, Institutul Polonez, Institutul turc Yunus Emre