Studying abroad in pandemic times: Czech Republic & Poland

The third EUNIC MIXERS discussion on studying in the EU opportunities, in times of pandemic and post-Brexit, invites two experts from Czech Republic and Poland. They will analyse the situation in their respective countries and suggest concrete solutions for all of you who intend to study abroad.This EUNIC MIXERS discussion will take place on April 15, at 7 p.m.Guests:
🔸 Jakub Tesař, Head of Higher Education Department, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS);
🔹 Carlos Panek – working for the The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Departament of Communication and Promotion);
👉 Moderator: Andreea Archip, journalist from Scoala9 MIXERS is a series of live, online discussions about the adaptations of the cultural sector to the changes during the pandemic, with guests from European countries, represented by the cultural institutes from the EUNIC Romania network, together with Romanian cultural practitioners.
Event organized by EUNIC Romania in collaboration with Czech Centre and Polish Institute.

S H O W C A S E | Cultural Management Academy

P R O J E C T S • S H O W C A S E
A showcase of the projects funded by the Cultural Management Academy Fund
1st – 9th of April
at Pavilion 32 | Goethe-Institut | Calea Dorobanți 32 and online via Streaming on the Facebook Pages of Cultural Management Academy Bucharest and Goethe-Institut Bucharest

The Cultural Management Academy is a post-graduate program for cultural management aiming at capacity building and stimulating exchange and collaboration in the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe.
It was founded in 2015 and throughout the years it has developed into an international program run by the Goethe-Institut.
The local seminar in Bucharest is organised with the help of our partners: Colectiv A Cluj, EUNIC Romania and Facultatea de Stiinte Politice a Universitatii din Bucuresti (FSPUB)
The network of the CMA already includes almost 220 cultural managers._CMA Project Fund
Established in 2017 as continuation of the capacity building process of the CMA, its aim is to provide participants with more space to develop new ideas and collaborate with other managers from their countries and others in the region. To make this a reality, Goethe-Institut has offered annual grants for participants’ projects.

We are happy to share with you a selection of showcased projects realised by the Alumni of the CMA!We invite you to discover discover a variety of projects – from exhibitions to case studies and residencies:​_𝗘𝘅𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 @𝗣𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝟯𝟮
Showcased projects at the exhibition:
▸ Balkanville: AR digital exhibition of architectural and urban elements from the Balkan
▸ WARP: Digital Media and AR meet Poetry
▸ Queer Museum Bucharest
▸ Performing Identity: The Balkan AromaniansOpening hours
Opening day: 18:00 – 21:00
Mo, Wed, Thu: 16:00 – 20:00
Tue, Fr: 16:00 – 18:00
Sat: 15:00 – 18:00_𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽𝘀 @𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲/ 𝗣𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝟯𝟮
▸ Make your own Instagram Art by Digital Transfer: 3. April, 12:00 – 14:00 @Pavilion 32
▸ 5 Performative Solutions for Social Change by Building Ecostructures: 8. April, 19:00 – 20:00, @Zoom_𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 @𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲
▸ Approaching Young Audiences in the Digital Age: 2. April, 19:00 – 20:00 @Facebook Live
▸ Showcasing Minority Heritage: 6. April, 19:00 – 20:00 @Facebook Live
▸ Rethinking Formats – Residencies: 9. April, 18:00 – 19:00 @Facebook LiveProjects presented during the talks:
▸ Balkan Youth at Film Fests: a study that aims to identify and analyse the strategies being used and the activities being proposed by major International Film Festivals in the Balkan region in order to approach young audiences
▸ Cultural Managers’ Re-Creation Camp: Remedy against Burnout
▸ Off Season: a residency programme that invites contemporary artists to live and work at the seaside

EUNIC Mixers #10 / Food waste & waste cooking

In Europe, 90 million tons of edible food ends up in the trash every year. What could the civil society do to change all this and to avoid all the food waste?

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and according to this famous saying some people not only in Europe but in other continents too, created a movement that transforms the food waste of the society into delicious meals.

In this context EUNIC has planned a series of online discussion on sustainable lifestyle and best practice examples from other European countries.The first discussion in this frame is about Food Waste and Waste cooking in Austria, Czech Republic and Romania and it will take place on March 11, at 8 p.m. Facebook event here:

🔸„Chef” David Groß, the creator of the project wastecooking (Austria);
🔹 Anna Strejcová, member of the Czech group Zachraň jídlo (Save Food);
🔸 Ana-Maria Răducanu, owner of the first zero waste shop in Bucharest, Romania.
👉 Moderator – Raluca Fiser/ Asociația GreenRevolution/ Green Report

EUNIC MIXERS is a series of live, online discussions about the adaptations of the cultural sector to the changes during the pandemic, with guests from European countries, represented by the cultural institutes from the EUNIC Romania network, together with Romanian cultural practitioners.

EUNIC Book Club #4

EUNIC Book Club #4
90 de minute de literatură europeană

Pe 18 martie ne întâlnim la EUNIC Book Club #4, ca să discutăm despre romanul francez „Misterul Henri Pick” de David Foenkinos (în traducerea Cristinei Nan, editura Nemira).

EUNIC Book Club propune spre dezbatere, sub formă lunară, un roman din literatura Europeană contemporană tradus cu sprijinul Institutelor Culturale și Ambasadelor Europene. Așadar, vă invităm în biblioteca noastră virtuală, deschisă dialogului și schimbului de experiență pe marginea celor mai noi apariții beletristice din spațiul editorial suedez, portughez, grec, austriac, german, britanic, francez, maghiar, spaniol, ceh, polonez și român.

Participarea este gratuită. Vă rugăm să vă înscrieți la următoarea adresă: Cu o săptămînă înainte veți primi linkul de conectare pentru platforma Zoom.

Eveniment organizat în parteneriat cu Institutul Francez.
Partener: Cărturești.

Eveniment facebook:

EUNIC Book Club #3

18 februarie, 19:00 / Eveniment facebook:

Pe 18 februarie ne întâlnim la al doilea EUNIC Book Club din acest an, ca să discutăm despre romanul Dragostea în timpul schimbărilor climatice globale (în traducerea Hellianei Ianculescu, editura Casa Cărții de Știință). Discuția va fi moderată de Gabriela Georgescu.

EUNIC Book Club propune spre dezbatere începând cu luna noiembrie, sub formă lunară, un roman din literatura Europeană contemporană tradus cu sprijinul Institutelor Culturale și Ambasadelor Europene.

Așadar, vă invităm în biblioteca noastră virtuală, deschisă dialogului și schimbului de experiență pe marginea celor mai noi apariții beletristice din spațiul editorial suedez, portughez, grec, austriac, german, britanic, francez, maghiar, spaniol, ceh, polonez și român.

Participarea este gratuită. Vă rugăm să vă înscrieți la următoarea adresă: Cu o săptămînă înainte veți primi linkul de conectare pentru platforma Zoom. Partener: Cărturești.

 „Dragostea în timpul schimbărilor climatice globale, de Josef Pánek, în traducerea Hellianei Ianculescu, este o revelație. Este o operă literară contemporană cu un flux narativ distinctiv, care încearcă să exprime lipsa de rădăcini a omului modern, în timp ce examinează paroxismul rasismului și xenofobia din perspectiva unui cetățean al lumii. Romanul lui Pánek deconcertează cititorul prin abrazivitatea sa lingvistică și abordarea autodistructivă, egocentrică a protagonistului său, stilul lui narativ fiind la fel de agitat și îmbătător ca orașul exotic în care se desfășoară acțiunea.”(

Am ales acest roman deoarece prezintă o reflecție originală și puternică asupra zilelor noastre, a lumii interconectate și a stereotipurilor actuale. Subiectele abordate sunt, într-o anumită măsură, universale, ușor de înțeles oricărui cititor, iar stilul narațiunii amintește, pe alocuri, de cel al lui Bohumil Hrabal, chiar dacă Pánek scrie într-un mod intenționat neșlefuit, cititorul trebuind să se imerseze în poveste pentru a o asimila

EUNIC Mixers #9 / Studying abroad in pandemic times

Adapting is the buzzword of the moment. Facing a drastic drop in the students’ mobility due to the pandemic, the European higher education sector is searching for solutions to keep alive young people’s interest for a studying experience away from home. Brexit could make things easier. In many EU member countries, universities are lowering their fees, providing tempting study offers in order to attract the young Europeans exploring new studying opportunities while the access to the UK universities became more difficult.

The second EUNIC MIXERS debate on studying in the EU opportunities, in times of pandemic and Brexit, invites three experts from Germany, Austria and Belgium. They will analyse the situation in their respective countries and suggest concrete solutions for all of you who intend to study abroad.

This EUNIC MIXERS discussion will take place on February 4, at 6 p.m. Facebook event:

Guests:🔸 Michael Jaumann, director of DAAD Romania;
🔹 Gerhard Volz, Head of Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education of OeAD (Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation;
🔸 M. Bertrand FONTEYN (Academic and Cultural Attaché Wallonia-Brussels in Serbia )
👉 Moderator: Andreea Archip (Școala9).EUNIC MIXERS is a series of live, online discussions about the adaptations of the cultural sector to the changes during the pandemic, with guests from European countries, represented by the cultural institutes from the EUNIC Romania network, together with Romanian cultural practitioners.Event organized by EUNIC Romania.

EUNIC Book Club #2

EUNIC Book Club #2
90 de minute de literatură europeană

Pe 28 ianuarie 2021, de la ora 19:00, vă așteptăm la primul EUNIC Book Club din 2021. Până atunci avem suficient timp să citim cartea despre care vom discuta, „Bine ai venit în America!” de Linda Boström Knausgård (Editura Pandora M, colecția Anansi, traducere de Roxana Dreve).

Discuția va fi moderată de Virginia Lupulescu.

EUNIC Book Club propune spre dezbatere începând cu luna noiembrie, sub formă lunară, un roman din literatura Europeană contemporană tradus cu sprijinul Institutelor Culturale și Ambasadelor Europene.

Așadar, vă invităm în biblioteca noastră virtuală, deschisă dialogului și schimbului de experiență pe marginea celor mai noi apariții beletristice din spațiul editorial suedez, portughez, grec, austriac, german, britanic, francez, maghiar, spaniol, ceh, polonez și român.Participarea este gratuită.

Vă rugăm să vă înscrieți la următoarea adresă: Cu o săptămînă înainte veți primi linkul de conectare pentru platforma Zoom.Partener: Cărturești.

EUNIC Mixers #8 / Studying abroad in pandemic times

What opportunities for studying abroad are there in a pandemic context? What does the future of studying abroad look like? Has the number of Romanians studying abroad decreased in 2020? What can we expect for 2021?

The answers to these questions and more at this year’s final EUNIC MIXER focused on studying opportunities in Europe in pandemic times. Watch our discussion about studying abroad to discover practical information that will help you prepare for your studies in Europe and gain a better understanding of the French, British and German education systems and funding opportunities.The EUNIC MIXERS discussion on studying opportunities in Europe during the pandemic will take place on the 16th of December, at 16.00 (Romania timezone).

🔸 Nigel Bellingham, director of the British Council in Romania;
🔹 Frédéric BEAUMONT, Attaché of scientific and university cooperation at French-Institut;
🔸 Michael Jaumann, director of DAAD Romania
👉 Moderator: Andreea Archip (Școala9).EUNIC MIXERS is a series of live, online discussions about the adaptations of the cultural sector to the changes during the pandemic, with guests from European countries, represented by the cultural institutes from the EUNIC Romania network, together with Romanian cultural practitioners.Event organized by EUNIC Romania.